Thursday, January 12, 2006

Latest Updates.

A word from yongchao. says:
there will be an after glow meeting this sat at 1 pm says:
meet outside school says:
we may be just sitting down at the void deck or something says:
then discuss the details says:

A lingering impression of past glory or success.

Developed Photos

Yes, I've bothered to actually get the photos printed, and if guys want your personal portraits, if you have that is, just ask me to send it to you so you could print it and slip it under your plastic cover sheet on your desk.
You guys could also take a peek at the photoalbum starting from 12/01/2006 onwards as I would be bringing them around.
Other than that, I'll go slow on the online photos and maybe do a mini revamp when I'm paid(someday).

Forum/Discussion Board

oh yar, and Miss Fandrie Koh was saying there's a bluemountains forum or discussion board or something similar on the internet pioneered by our previous batch seniors who had gone for the trip, and they are inviting us to their platform to share experiences and have mini discussions.

The23 Warlords flocked off at 12:00 am


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Photos nottos lalala

Yes, hi all, this is your admin speaking, or typing at least...

I had just been told Mrs. Foo had been looking for me, to pass me the photos of course! Isn't that great(sheila!)?! Of course, we could soon compile them and all of you guys would get your copies.

And perhaps a mini message I heard from the Afterglow peeps, that the after glow would be somewhere at the end of January, (isn't that greater?! photos soon!)

I know you guys are like dying to see more photos on this site, and since the photos would be out soon, I guess it means auto-clearance for photos to be released on the site. (isn' that greatest?!, sheila!!!)

So please be patient, the school term had just started and many of us are either OGLs or busy with the CCA fair, and I'm not excluded from that chain, so, please be patient and soon you guys would be seeing your pweety faces!
(1, 2, 3.... YUP!!!)

well, that's all for now mates...
(stgabs, yup! YUP!
stgabs yup, YUP!
stgabs yupyup!, HOW come HOW come HOW come?!
oh, yaryaryaryaryaryar)

loool, how bo liaox, XD

The23 Warlords flocked off at 8:25 pm